Janice Francisco | Blog

How to Become an Innovative Company

Written by Admin | Nov 7, 2021 9:04:20 PM

How to Become an Innovative Company

How to become an innovative company is all about powering people to innovate.

By situating your organization on the innovation map, equipping your team with the creativity and innovation skills they need, and giving them real-world practice on solving a problem for your organization, you’ll have created a team of innovation champions who understand the value innovation brings to your organization, with the eagerness, confidence and creativity to drive the results you need.

– Janice Francisco, CEO, BridgePoint Effect –

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about “How to Wire Your Organization’s DNA for Innovation.” In the article, I talked about a “Learnscape for Innovation.” The answer to the question of how to become an innovative company does not lie in training alone. Simply providing training on aspects of innovation is not enough to transform an organization’s culture into one where innovation is wired into its DNA. Innovation training for teams must be considered within the context of the organization’s innovation strategy.

The ThinkUP Innovation Framework™, available exclusively from BridgePoint Effect, provides organizations with the context for team innovation training.

As you’ll hear in the following short video, the ThinkUP Innovation Framework™ is the result of ten years of research into understanding how to help organizations build the capacity for innovation. Through the research, we learned that the answer lies in three simple steps: Situate, Educate, Create.

As the first step in the Framework—SITUATE—we help organizations that have yet to answer the question, “What does innovation mean to us?” We work with executive teams to gain clarity around their innovation goals and where the organization needs to innovate. We measure an organization’s preparedness for innovation, taking a look at innovation successes and opportunities and the organization’s cultural alignment to innovation.

After answering the question, “What do we need to innovate?” we design and deliver a program of training for your teams, focused on the creativity and innovation skills they need. This is the EDUCATE step. Using the ThinkUP Innovation Framework™, the training is considered within the context for innovation developed in the SITUATE phase.

To firmly ingrain the new skills learned in the EDUCATE phase, we then coach teams to CREATE, by engaging them in solving real innovation challenges within the organization.

Click here to learn more about how BridgePoint Effect and the ThinkUP Innovation Framework™ can help build your organization's capacity for innovation.

Contact us to talk about building your organization's capacity to innovate.

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